Thursday, May 28, 2009


so on wednesday, we had to bring clothes and stuff for photoshoot, right?
yea, so i brought the emo-est clothes i could find, which was my hoodie, and jeans
(kalpana provided the black tee)
i got called by hsu-ven at 8.00 to go to her class at 8.30.
so i went and started changing and they were like, damn you change fast.
and i was like, i know i know...
then kalpie asked me to follow her to find pn. hamimah for her blouse,
cause kalpie is her mighty HEADMISTRESS, ya know?
right so we got the stuff and we went to the serambi.
and waddayaknow,
hsu-ven(bobby) was looking like willy wonka/johnny depp,
everyone was like, i cant look at you...
cause we've known HER for years, right?
and suddenly she looked like a guy..
so we thought no one could top her being a guy..
and then entered KAI.
man, she was...... woahh.
and everyone was like, OMG.
wth? she looked like a guy. a real guy.
amaddee appadee...
then the photo shoot.
we had to take pictures, then..
they said they gonna be putting our backs only..
and im like what the shitt, man
cause we were so tired from photoshoot-ing all day...
and their reason was...
what the heck...

that's it.. i forgot what else happened.

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